by Travis Nichols
In early 2007, Demis Hassabis, computer game designer and neuroscientist, conducted a study using subjects whose hippocampus, commonly known as the brain’s filing cabinet, had been severely damaged, causing hippocampal amnesia. Patients with this condition struggle to imagine new events. Hassabis suggests that the hippocampus, in addition to playing a substantial role in the operations of remembering events, is also called upon when imagining events. Our brains access stored “abstract knowledge” for both reconstructions of past events and entirely new constructions of imagined ones. Through Hasssabis’s theory, which is arguably the first to objectively focus on the neuropsychology of imagining events, one could suggest that the hippocampus plays a significant role in the construction of literature-reaching backward into our deepest experiences and forward into our most one-of-a-kind imaginings.
In this issue, you will find writing that is experimental and writing about experiments. Thank you to everyone who had a hand in completing this issue and to our contributors’ and readers’ hippocampi.
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MAKE Magazine Publisher MAKE Literary Productions Managing Editor Chamandeep Bains Assistant Managing Editor and Web Editor Kenneth Guay Fiction Editor Kamilah Foreman Nonfiction Editor Jessica Anne Poetry Editor Joel Craig Intercambio Poetry Editor Daniel Borzutzky Intercambio Prose Editor Brenda Lozano Latin American Art Portfolio Editor Alejandro Almanza Pereda Reviews Editor Mark Molloy Portfolio Art Editor Sarah Kramer Creative Director Joshua Hauth, Hauthwares Webmaster Johnathan Crawford Proofreader/Copy Editor Sarah Kramer Associate Fiction Editors LC Fiore, Jim Kourlas, Kerstin Schaars Contributing Editors Kyle Beachy, Steffi Drewes, Katie Geha, Kathleen Rooney Social Media Coordinator Jennifer De Poorter
MAKE Literary Productions, NFP Co-directors, Sarah Dodson and Joel Craig