by James Tadd Adcox
Inside MAKE #16, “ARCHIVE,” you will find stories, poems, essays, conversations and visual art oriented around concepts of memory, preservation, photo negatives and negative hands, disappearing/reappearing faces, letters sent and never received, lost and recovered traces; in short, the archive (or its simulacrum). One is reminded of Jacques Derrida’s “Archive Fever”: “The concept of the archive shelters in itself, of course, this memory of the name arkhe [rule, government, beginning, origin, first place]. But it also shelters itself from this memory which it shelters: which comes down to saying also that it forgets it.”
Archives are assembled to remember a first place, an origin site that houses historical codes and modes of order, but they are also, weirdly, selective mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion that strategically forget, reassemble or reorder the objects of memory. An archive remembers inasmuch as it forgets, stores away (for later), blurs, and obscures. The archive you will encounter in these pages is one that plays with these notions, and we hope you will enjoy it.
Taken from Luis Felipe Fabre’s Lost Poems/Found Poems: For a Magazine of Ghost Poems, the line on the cover suggests that the “value of what’s forgotten” resides in the fresh opportunity which the lost object or forgotten scene provides for the archiving impulses of memory. What is forgotten or misplaced renews memory, gives it impetus to re-write the unwritten book and refill the emptied slot and the vacant space. On the cover, you’ll find Claudia Peña Salinas’ photographs, which signify exactly that: the yearned-for object suddenly re-contextualized as a multiplied, archival re-memory.
Contributors include:
Fiction | Cecca Ochoa |
Sooze Lanier | |
James Tadd Adcox | |
Poetry |
Julie Carr |
Lauren Haldeman | |
Edwin Torres | |
Blunt Research Group | |
Stephanie Anderson | |
Marc Rahe | |
Matthew Reed Corey | |
Intercambio Prose |
Alejandro Zambra |
Translated from the Spanish by Edith Grossman | |
Luis Felipe Fabre |
Translated from the Spanish by Daniel Borzutzky and Jose-Luis Moctezuma | |
Lina Meruane |
Translated from the Spanish by Kolin Jordan | |
Gabriela Jauregui |
Translated from the Spanish by Carolina Casanueva | |
Mario Bellatin |
Translated from the Spanish by David Shook | |
Intercambio Poetry |
Cecilia Vicuña |
Translated from the Spanish by Rosa Alcalá and Anne Twitty | |
Mercedes Roffé | |
Translated from the Spanish by Anna Deeny Morales | |
Oliverio Girondo |
Translated from the Spanish by Harris Feinsod and Rachel Galvin | |
Galo Ghigliotto |
Translated from the Spanish by Daniel Borzutzky | |
Interviews/ Ephemera | Jennifer Scappettone and Nathanaël |
Juan A. Gaitán and Armando Salas |
Translated from the Spanish by Jose-Luis Moctezuma and Brenda Lozano | |
Eileen Mueller |
Reviews | Caleb Caldwell |
Ayten Tartici | |
Marcus Creaghan | |
K. Rose Miller | |
Art Portfolio | Claudia Peña Salinas |
Jovencio de la Paz | |
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MAKE Magazine Publisher MAKE Literary Productions Managing Editor Chamandeep Bains Assistant Managing Editor and Web Editor Kenneth Guay Fiction Editor Kamilah Foreman Nonfiction Editor Jessica Anne Poetry Editor Joel Craig Intercambio Poetry Editor Daniel Borzutzky Intercambio Prose Editor Brenda Lozano Latin American Art Portfolio Editor Alejandro Almanza Pereda Reviews Editor Mark Molloy Portfolio Art Editor Sarah Kramer Creative Director Joshua Hauth, Hauthwares Webmaster Johnathan Crawford Proofreader/Copy Editor Sarah Kramer Associate Fiction Editors LC Fiore, Jim Kourlas, Kerstin Schaars Contributing Editors Kyle Beachy, Steffi Drewes, Katie Geha, Kathleen Rooney Social Media Coordinator Jennifer De Poorter
MAKE Literary Productions, NFP Co-directors, Sarah Dodson and Joel Craig